Director Message

India's great heroes who made India aware of their competent leadership and efforts to bring the country on the path of progress. Among these great heroes, "Bharat Ratan" Baba Sahib Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Ji, who raised his voice against discrimination, caste, colour, and ignorance from the country, and also created special laws in the Constitution to eliminate such evils and everyone in the country was given equal opportunities for the citizens to maintain their respect, their social, economic progress and to give them full authority to take advantage of them. Concerning the spread of education, he said, " I would like to see the spreading of schools and colleges for the expansion of education across the country. Those who are an educated, loyal, brave and well-deserved (capable and capable) citizen will come out from these organizations with the skills for industry, agriculture, their occupation for their better life. I also want to let the people of my country rise to the light of knowledge and become financially stable. This desire can be realized only by the expansion of education, Dear religion will be there." This institute Dr. B.R Ambedkar Skill Education Board has been formed to fulfill the dream of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Ji with full commitment and selflessness. Dr. B.R Ambedkar Skill Education Board, which has been making a significant contribution in the professional, technical and academic fields for many years now. This institution is affiliated with the Government of India, which is providing quality education to the learners. Education provided by this organization, obtaining public and private jobs for the learners, doing their own business and Our aim is to provide class education on the latest and at a low cost to the learners.

Apart from this, this institution also organizes seminars, cultural programs and educational tours to provide education to the pupils as well as for their intellectual and mental development, by teaching experts and social reformers. The institution also looks after the development of moral, social, family and patriotic qualities among the pupils. To protect our natural resources such as water, air, earth, environment and other life - useful resources, educators should not only be aware but also to take positive and practical action in protecting these natural resources.

No person can raise any small or big institution forward, there are many individuals who try to increase the work and efforts. Some partners work directly in front of them and provide some of their own contribution by not coming in front of others. The importance and contribution of such people cannot be ignored. There has been a special contribution of many partners to bring this dear institution to this point of time, which has been giving its valuable suggestions and cooperation from time to time. The organization is grateful for their cooperation and hopes for such cooperation from them in the future. In particular, the organization specially thanks to the competent leadership of our great Master Lashman Singh Sahota and Master Jaswant Rai. India will always create the dream of creating country's dreamers and creating a bright future for the learners.

Mr. Sarbjeet Singh Brar